Craig Gather
Founder & President
Craig has many years of experience with students through youth and college ministry, international exchange programs, relief and disaster response, peace camps, and volunteer management, both domestic and abroad.

Jack Mewborne
Jack currently works for DePuy Synthes as a manager on
the North America Field Asset Management Team and believes deeply that everywhere in the world should be a safe place for children.

Trigg Hobbs
Board Member
Trigg is a Laboratory Director who has been working in the Biotechnology industry since 2016. He has experience volunteering in Bosnia and was an Eagle Scout.

Avdo Zec
Board Member
Avdo has devoted his life to participating and leading peace and reconciliation camps and workshops in Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Germany, and other places.

Jomarie Zon
Board Member
Her love of children led her to travel to Bosnia with First United Methodist Church of Cary in 1998 to work with children at the youth center in Gornji-Vakuf/Uskoplje.