Peace. It’s a great idea!
We believe that children have the right to play in a safe and happy environment regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, culture, economic class, and physical and mental abilities.
The Peace Idea delivers programs to children, youth, and university students to promote peace and justice in communities impacted by conflict and division.
You can donate via Venmo @thepeaceidea or through PayPal with the link below.
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Since 1996 I have volunteered and worked in the Balkans, primarily Bosnia and Herzegovina. UMCOR, the disaster relief agency of the United Methodist Church, spent many years rebuilding infrastructure and developing programs to aid in the recovery from the Balkan wars of 1991-1995 that broke apart the former Yugoslavia. I was privileged to work and volunteer for UMCOR and learned a great deal about international disaster relief and met many wonderful and dedicated professionals and volunteers from around the world.
This ethnically rooted war resulted in the enormous loss of life and the brutal process that gave us the term “ethnic cleansing.” Over 100,000 persons lost their lives, thousands more were wounded, and a fragile peace, ethnic divisions, and high unemployment remain today.
Nearly a quarter of the world’s children in the world live in areas affected by conflict, war, or disaster. I saw first-hand that children from all backgrounds can come together to learn and teach each other that harmony is possible. As children grow into their teen years and adulthood they can have the desire and the foundation to promote peace and fairness in their own families and communities. It is amazing to witness children learn that peace is a really good idea.
College students often want to give back to their own communities and countries through promoting peace and justice ideals, but finding adequate resources is a challenge. I am happy that again we will offer scholarships to qualified students in the Balkans who want to study in the fields of global awareness, peace and justice, conflict resolution, education, and other disciplines. We will be awarding several scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Beginning in January of 2023 we will be accepting applications from US college students who would like to have the experience of an overseas internship. Students studying international policy, world affairs, diplomacy, multi ethic/religious studies and similar courses of study can apply to be associated with an organization that promotes peace and international relations.
Learning about another culture is valuable, but the real understanding and total immersion comes by learning from another culture. Developing new perspectives for our interconnected world will be one of the most valuable experiences our students can have.
I hope you will follow The Peace Idea as we grow and learn to meet the challenges and joys of serving children in need – and aiding as we can students at home and abroad achieve their dreams of a more peaceful world.
Peace. It’s a Great Idea!
– Craig Gaither