
Jack was born in Ocala, Florida and is an alumnus of Florida State University (B.S. Psychology, ’93) and Duke University (M.Div., ’99). He served as the Associate Pastor of Missions and Youth at Benson Memorial UMC in Raleigh from 1999-2006. He currently works for DePuy Synthes as a manager on the North America Field Asset Management Team focused on medical device utilization in the areas of Orthopedic Trauma, CMF, and Sports Medicine. Jack previously served on the Board of Directors for two other non-profit organizations as the Secretary of Children of Vietnam in Greensboro, NC and as the Treasurer of Freedom Community Development Corporation in Raleigh, NC.
He is passionate about outreach travel and has participated with and led various teams engaged in hurricane relief efforts in eastern North Carolina and Mississippi through the NCCUMC, rebuilding homes through the Hinton Rural Life Center and the Appalachian Service Project, church construction and VBS in Jamaica through UMVIM, assistance to children and families in Vietnam through COV, and peace and reconciliation work in Macedonia and Bosnia through First UMC Cary. Jack is excited to serve on the Board of Directors for The Peace Idea and believes deeply that everywhere in the world should be a safe place for children.
He lives in Cary, North Carolina with his wife Rebecca and sons Everett (8) and Conner (5) and enjoys golf, fishing, cycling, and travel.